TBC Testimonials

I came to learn about Python through my friend who is also a intern at FOSSEE.
He taught me the basics of Python with some coded solved examples of his own.
And later on I also took help from internet to learn Python, some page links are:

I experienced that even an inexperienced person can do coding/programming.
I gradually got to advance my skills in python as I approached further in it.
I got the IIT-B certificate, plus i got paid a handsome amount of cheque after completion which was good enough for me at then.

Amitesh Kumar
Student, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Manav Rachna International University(Faridabad)
Textbook Comapanion: Heat Transfer Applications for the Practicing Engineer

The FOSSE-Textbook Companion Project has been a scintillating point in my career.
It has been instrumental in fine tuning my programming and presentation skills.
It provided an ideal forum for me to learn Python and contribute to the open source community.
I learnt Python through online videos posted on YouTube and through exploration of the language.
I thank the management for giving me this prestigious opportunity.
I look forward to working with this team on future endeavours.

Abhiram Padu
Student, Department of Electrical & & Electronics Engineering
PES University(Bangalore)
Textbook Companion: Basic Electrical Engineering(Link it)

I learnt python from Spoken-Tutorials available on the website.
The Python TBC team also helped me a lot in starting my internship.
Till now,I have completed 3 TBCs and now,I know pretty much about python.
I plan to take this project forward and Python is really helping me shine by resume.

Deepak Shakya
Student, Department Of Chemical Engineering
Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology(Haryana)
Textbook Comapnions:

  1. Heat Transfer
  2. Principles And Modern Applications Of Mass Transfer Operations
  3. Thermodynamics: A Core Course
  4. A Comprehensive Textbook Of Applied Physics
  5. Textbook of Engineering Chemistry

I would say that the project was very exciting when I started and sent my initial codes.
I learnt Python on my own. Some skills acquired by Codecademy website.
But I learnt about it a lot when solving particular problems and browsing stackoverflow.
Although, I don't think I have the benefit of calling myself an intern, as I didn't complete it fully, I learned
a lot about Python programming methodology and mainly, I loved the language.
Python programs can be very simple and yet concise.

Koushik S
Student, Department of Electronics and Communication engineering
Atria Institute of Technology(Bangalore)
Textbook Companion: Antennas and Wave Propagation

I learn't python using the Spoken-Tutorials and also as it was required for our course assignments.
Yes, definitely it helped me to learn python more quickly and a better way.

Rahul Joshi
Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology(Bombay)
Textbook Companion:Fluid Mechanics

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National Mission on Education through ICT
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